How to actually get fit, forever.

Learn how to move past the stumbling blocks that stop you from exercising!

There is a huge epidemic of numbing out, and becoming totally disconnected to the body, in some cases out entire lives. And it is a literal shock when we actually feel the sensations of the body exercising, stretching or even just breathing deeply. So we stop ourselves doing it! But there is a simple insight that will totally change your perspective, and put you back in the driving seat.

This is the biggest secret!

The intensity of experience simply comes from unfamiliarity. Disconnection. And ultimately fear of expanding the boundaries into the unknown. It is all mental.

Moving past the block.

So whilst we are in that deeply uncomfortable moment of reawakening our bodies (and this can come up on a daily basis if you have never really had a strong fitness regime), it is vital that we continue to breathe deeply. It sounds too simple to be true, but this is the best free piece of advice that I could ever give you.

Breathing deeply flushes the body with oxygen and calms the nervous system down. This is crucial to maximise the functionality of your muscles. From a psychological level we also have to commit to keep our minds open to the shifts there are happening on a physical, emotional and mental level. The fear of change can catch you of guard so you have to watch it like a hawk. You have to be more powerful than your fear.

Have you ever noticed that when you begin a new job, begin a new relationship or move to a new location, that there is a certain amount of nervousness or doubt? This is a subconscious reaction to change. But change always turns out to be a good thing though, doesn't it?

It is all about the detox.

The re-emergence into our bodies also involves a lot of cleaning out. Just like a room forgotten that begins to collect dust, we need to put in a little extra effort in order to get it back to it's original vibrant self. So it is not that just that we feel weak and currently incapable. We also have to deal with the intense experience of the detoxification process, as the stagnancy (mentally, physically and emotionally) leaves the body. It is totally normal, and everyone experiences it.

From a psychological perspective, it is a heavy situation and the subconscious mind wants to cling onto it, because that is all it has known. But YOU know it doesn't belong here any more, because you want to feel stronger, energised and inspired. When you make the choice to change, you have to also choose to make a little extra effort to create that initial momentum forward, like the initial strike of a match to create a flame. And then it is your responsibility keep that momentum going daily, which isn't as hard as the initial spark.

Your greatest allies!

Breath, music and using the right level of exercise are going to be your greatest allies! Tune into one of my ONLINE CLASSES to learn more on utilising your breath, movement and music to kick start your way back into holistic fitness.

And I will tell you another secret, and that is that there is no fighting needed in your approach to getting back to full vitality and victory. It just involves arming yourself with your allies, and continued acceptance of the beautifully intense new experiences arising. Be alert to the difference between actual and perceived boundaries. Work slowly through this. And it will be your personal piece of art as you become powerful and soft with this feminine approach to fitness.

This is your opportunity to reclaim your body, and revamp your whole approach to fitness.

Sometimes we need personal support, and if that means that we actually start to love living inside our body again than it is well worth the self-investment. Try out 1-2-1 Holistic Personal Training with me.


Alice Bowmaker