How to optimize your energy and therefore day!
Taking that plan and putting it into action
I am someone that has a lot of ideas and, in the past, very little follow through. This is something that I find very frustrating about myself as I am a very driven individual with a deep passion to express myself and share that with the world. I have been writing a book which, until recently, I had struggled to finish. I care a lot about making yoga accessible through making my own yoga videos, but never got around to actually making them. Basically it got to 4pm each day and I just could nawt be bothered, I was tired and feeling lazy. Then one weekend I took part in a plant medicine ceremony, and I remember the Shaman distinctly saying that after the ceremony we would start to have really small but powerful realizations that they would change our lives. My seemingly insignificant realization was that I was going about my day and my activities in the wrong order. Around my work, I was scheduling my time to exercise in the morning and then if I had time use the middle of the afternoon to write and make free content. However, I am a morning person and so I realized that I actually needed to do the activities that took the most brain capacity and motivation first thing in the morning and then use the afternoon to do things like exercise (as I find it easier). So simple and so powerful. Sometimes the simplest things are the most effective and all it takes is a small change of perspective to see what needs to be done. As we are all different there may be some people the thrive late at night and so the way that they schedule their days would be the total opposite to me. We are all unique beings!
Answer to questions below and optimize your day!
Which time of day do you have the most energy? ______
Which time of day do you have the least energy? ______
Now write down in order of easiest to hardest, 5 of the most important things that you want to accomplish during the week, some of these might be everyday activities and some might only be a few times a week.
For example the activities that are important/necessary to me would be: 1. Exercise (easiest) 2. House Chores 3. Writing 4. Making yoga videos 5. Learning a new skill (hardest). Exercise comes naturally to me, whereas I need energy and brain capacity to feel inspired to write, and learning a new skill such as singing is something that I am new to and so I need lots of energy to focus on learning the new techniques. I am a morning person and lose energy throughout the day, and so I try to schedule in my most taxing activities in the morning.
1. _________________
2. _________________
3. _________________
4. _________________
5. _________________
Now some of us might have a more fixed schedule with many demands and commitments, however, perhaps we can work a little creatively and use this as a loose guide.
I believe that by understanding how we individually fluctuate in energy levels throughout the day, we can ensure that we feel motivated to get the things that we want to get done, plus we can use the easiest activities to give us energy! For me this small tweak in scheduling has changed my life and transformed my levels of productivity throughout the week! With this perspective we are optimizing the day based on our own natural cycles (as we are cyclical by nature) and rhythms rather trying to fit in the box that we have inherited.