Following the success of “The Powerful Woman Essentials Workshop”, Alice and Lisa have reunited again to create this Soul Care experience, creating the space, support and guidance to call your energy back and re-establish your connection to your self
What really makes us feel good within ourselves?
Taking care of our souls.
It is so easy to put ourselves last, and over time we forget what really makes us feel good within ourselves, and empowered within our lives.
In order to feel different and experience our lives in a different way, we need a circuit breaker to stop us in our tracks, re-evaluate and then choose to do things differently.
March 13th 2021
3pm - 5pm (GMT)
Make the time to take care of yourself
Signing up means that we are consciously carving out at least 120 minutes of soul care. It takes time and commitment to notice the lasting benefits of making more self-nurturing choices, and without the right support and guidance, we may be tempted to give up when things get challenging. This is a space to choose you.
Put your needs first.
This is an opportunity to create new healthy habits, experience the benefits of practicing regular self-care and be supported by like-minded people as you finally put your needs first, especially when the going gets tough.
Calling your energy back to yourself
Lisa and Alice will share the powerful Soul Care practices, via:
De-cluttering the mind with yoga
Following through on your intentions
These comments inspired us to create this experience…
“Thank you Lisa and Alice for an amazing couple of hours. So nice to take sometime out just for me, would definitely love to do another one.”
“I really really enjoyed it - felt real that was so different about it - it was calm not 100 mph! Loved it and I would love to do another one too. x”
“Thank you for an inspiring afternoon with an uplifting group of ladies.”
“Thank you so much Lisa and Alice. That was a great session and I’d love to join another one if you do anymore. It was really good to take some time out for myself and I have to say I do feel empowered. Seriously if anyone was on the fence about this - do it!”
When women come together it creates magic and deep healing.
The workshop will have a theme, however we intend to keep the session open and tailored to the people that show up. You are guaranteed to feel a strong sense of female community and support however you show up on the day. We think that when women come together magic and deep healing happens. When women join forces it opens up space for authenticity, compassion, fun and a meeting of kindred souls!